Summer Concert 2019; Trial by Jury and other Edwardian Music

On Saturday, 13th July 2019 we and a number of select soloists performed and evening of music from the Edwardian era to a packed audience at the Renew Church in Uttoxeter.

The second half of the concert was a performance of Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘Trial by Jury’ in its entirety and first half of the concert was a selection of songs from the Edwardian era. These included:
– Blue Bird by Sir Charles Villiers Stanford
– Hail Poetry and A Policeman’s Lot from the Pirates of Penzance
– The Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves from Nebucco by Guiseppe Verdi
– Dance a Cachucha!, Bind the Raven Hair and Take a Pair of Sparkling Eyes  The Gondoliers

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