Join Us

Did you know? . . . . Singing is good for you!

  • Regular breathing, when singing, lowers your heart rate.
  • Singing reduces stress levels!
  • People singing together experience an increased sense of community, belonging and shared endeavour.
  • Rehearsing a piece to performance level is very rewarding.
  • Endorphins rush around your body when you sing, just like when you eat a bar of chocolate, but singing has fewer calories!

The Marchington Singers is a very friendly and happy group of people!

We rehearse in Marchington Village Hall, near Uttoxeter, on Wednesdays from 7.30 pm to 9.30 pm with a short break in the middle. We rehearse most weeks of the year, with a short break after our Christmas concert and a longer break in the summer.

Singers of all parts – soprano, alto, tenor and bass – benefit from some basic musical knowledge, and preferably some part-singing experience, but a willingness to learn is more important! Our emphasis is on the enjoyment of singing and the camaraderie of others who love to make music for pleasure. If you think this would appeal to you, we don’t commit ourselves either way immediately; you are welcome to come along and join us for a few rehearsals without making a commitment. If after a trial period you feel you would like to become a permanent member, there is an informal, private voice test with our conductor.

We charge our members an annual membership subscription, currently of £60, which helps to cover costs such as hiring the hall for rehearsals and buying music .

Social Events

We usually have two main social events each year, following our summer and Christmas concerts. In the past, other social events have included quiz nights, wine tasting, and pot-luck suppers. As well as these, we are partial to a good get-together in the local pub after rehearsals.

In addition we are involved in the annual Marchington Village Festival and regularly participate in other village events.

Friends of The Marchington Singers (FOMS)

We currently have over 150 Friends of The Marchington Singers (FOMS). Friends receive advance notice of all our concerts, and booking forms which entitle them to discounted ticket prices for booking early. There is no subscription.

Our Friends help us in many ways, including serving refreshments and welcoming guests at concerts, selling tickets, putting up posters, and setting up for concerts. They do a great job of promoting the Singers to the wider community.

If you would like to become a Friend of The Marchington Singers and be on our mailing list please contact one of us.


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