Our inclusion policy

March 2024


The Marchington Singers is a local singing group made up of members who pay a small annual membership fee. Membership is open to all regardless of background, socio-economic status, physical attributes and protected characteristics*, which include; race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, sex or sexual orientation, age, disability and religion or belief. The choir was established in 1984 and has a good reputation for producing high-quality performances.

Aims and Objectives of this Policy

  1. To ensure that the Marchington Singers meets its obligation under all relevant Diversity, Equality and Access legislation
  2. To ensure that all parties and outside agencies working with us also meet the same standards that we expect of ourselves
  3. To provide members with any relevant guidelines and/or information to ensure all of the above
  4. To encourage dialogue between people of varied ethnic, cultural and social backgrounds in order to promote understanding of one another and to advocate tolerance.

Our Mission, Vision, Commitment and Beliefs

The Marchington Singers recognises that a variety of traditions, values, attitudes and beliefs influences everyone’s identity and the identity of society around them and, as such wants to proceed as a diverse and inclusive organisation, accessible, welcoming and truly representative of the local population and its surrounding areas, offering equality of opportunity to our current and potential members as well as any potential audiences.

We welcome and value the diversity of our members and audiences and believe that everyone has the right to be treated fairly, equitably and with respect. As a commitment to ensuring Inclusion, Equality and Diversity of our members and audiences The Marchington Singers aim to provide equality of opportunity to all people irrespective of their, age, disability, gender reassignment status, sex, marital or civil partnership status, pregnancy or maternity, race, sex, sexual orientation, religion, socio-economic status or any other background.

Our Expectations

  • Anti-discrimination; as a collective The Marchington Singers does not accept discrimination**, victimisation, bullying or harassment in any form including physical, verbal, written and online, towards any of its members, or audiences and will treat all instances of discrimination**, victimisation, bullying or harassment extremely seriously, taking appropriate action in line with their (Complaints Policy and Procedures and social media Policy.)

The Marchington Singers does not discriminate or in any way treat anyone less favourably on the grounds of any protected characteristics*.

They will actively drive the aims of this policy and accompanying inclusion strategy, to promote Inclusion, Equality and Diversity in all aspects of their activities and will challenge views, dialogue and actions of others that are not in line with this policy.

  • Equality of Opportunity –The Marchington Singers will aim for equality of opportunity when seeking new members, new committee members, choir leaders, accompanying musicians and front of house volunteers. When appropriate, positive steps will be taken to meet the needs of underrepresented communities, especially when considering invitations to upcoming events and concerts.
  • Equality of Access – The Marchington Singers will try to meet the access requirements of all our members and audiences by ensuring that our meeting, event, rehearsal and performance venues/spaces are accessible to all, including wheelchair users. We can produce papers and scripts in large fonts, or provide audio versions of documents where applicable, i.e. for those with visual impairments. If any member or potential member is disabled, becomes disabled, or has any other specific additional needs they will be encouraged to declare any requirements so that other reasonable adjustments or support deemed appropriate can be put in place wherever possible in line with any relevant risk assessments. (health and Safety policy)

In order to enact and maintain effective transformational change with regards to Inclusion, Equality and Diversity, The Marchington Singers expects all members and to adhere to the following rules:

  • Value all members of the choir, audience members, appointed committee members, leaders and volunteers irrespective of background, socio-economic status, physical attributes and protected characteristics*
  • Treat each other fairly and with respect
  • Recognise and value the individuality of members of the choir and ensure individual members receive any necessary support to participate in and access all opportunities that membership of the choir provides
  • Make reasonable efforts and adjustments to remove barriers for individuals that may prevent them from participating in events, meetings, and performances
  • Report all instances of discrimination** to the Committee
  • If instances of discrimination** are witnessed towards a member of the choir this MUST be reported to the Committee
  • All existing members should encourage the promotion of the choir as an Inclusive, diverse, inclusive and accessible organisation

Additional Notes

*Protected Characteristics include race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity, sex or sexual orientation, age, disability and religion or belief. (Equality Act, 2010).

**Discrimination is defined as “The unjust or prejudicial treatment of an individual or group because of their protected characteristic/s*.” It is against the law to discriminate against anyone because of their age, disability, gender, race, ethnicity, marital or civil partner status, pregnancy or maternity status, religion or belief, sex or sexual orientation, as detailed in the Equality Act (2010).

Please click here to return to ‘our policies’.

Resources used to draft this statement:

https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/equality-act  https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/equalityact-guidance  https://www.noda.org.uk/download/166/factsheet-equalopportunities-policy-noda

Note: Complaints Policy and Procedures, Health and Safety Policy and Social media Policy all currently under review

Changes to this Inclusion, Equality and Diversity Policy

We will review and update this policy from time to time; for example, to keep it up to date or to comply with legal requirements.

How to contact us

For any questions or concerns relating to this Privacy Policy or our data protection practices, or to make a Subject Access Request, please contact us in one of these ways:

By phone to the chairperson Christine Eales 07956 802472

By email: themarchingtonsingers@gmail.com


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