Our draft data privacy policy

October 2024

In accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations UK (2018) it is now a requirement to receive permission from each member in order to hold information about them whilst they are members of The Marchington Singers (referred to as TMS)

Every member needs to give permission:

  1. a) for their name, address, phone number, email address to be included on the full list of members on the ‘telephone tree’ used as an emergency contact list.
  2. b) for TMS to use photographs, singers’ profiles and concert programmes in which your members’ names appear, for advertising purposes and on the website.
  3. c) for TMS to retain members’ contact details if you chose to surrender your membership for a fixed period of time until such time as you re-join. This information will be kept in a pending file.

Members are asked to notify the Chairman of any changes to their contact details as and when they occur.  TMS will take reasonable steps to keep your data up to date and accurate, and to make corrections in a timely fashion.

Personal data will be stored only for as long as you are a paid up member of The Marchington Singers.  If you leave TMS your all personal details will be deleted from the  Singers’ records.  The Chairman and Committee Members of TMS have access to members’ personal data.  Members will be supplied with a copy of any of their personal data held by TMS on receipt of a formal Data Access request.

Before publishing  photographs or images in which a member appears, TMS will seek written consent from the member(s) concerned to use this material.  If this is not possible (e.g., a large group photograph) TMS will remove any photograph or media image if requested in writing.

No data pertaining to members of the TMS will be transferred to other parties outside the TMS under any circumstances.

Data will be held securely, protected from unauthorised access both physical and electronic.

The nominated data controller of TMS is <I suggest> Mr David Thomas. Explanatory note; it is the data controller who is personally liable for any breach of the GDPR which the organisation may make and, as such, is personally liable for any penalty that successful criminal prosecution may deem necessary.

Chairman, The Marchington Singers

Click here to return to ‘Our Policies’ page

The original Data Protection Policy which instigated this Data Privacy Policy was revised and approved by Committee Meeting in October 2019.

 Broader sub-policies will state:

  • the procedure for obtaining permission from members for data pertaining tothem should be held (some form or other with a tick-box, date and signature to signify said ermission that must then be subsequently stored securely
  • The procedure (and frequency) by which TMS will ensure that data pertaining to each singer is correct and up-to-date (normally, biennially), providing each member of TMS wirth a complete copy of all data held that pertains to them and asking for confirmation that this data os correct or corrections of incorrect data.



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